Allard - Allard K

When Allard produced a range of cars in 1946, the K (subsequently called the K1) was the 2 door open tourer intended for road use, fitted with the Ford side valve "V8 30" 3622cc engine, as well as many other Ford components. The updated Allard K2 was introduced in 1950 with a bigger bore version 3917cc engine. The Allards being exported to the USA would invariably be sent without engines, to have them fitted Stateside to save all the paperwork and import duty, and reclaiming and so on, which would just add to the cost. The final model K3 with new tubular chassis was the work of Dudley Hume. Production of the Allard K3 finished in 1953.

Allard K1, K2 and K3 tyre size was originally listed as 6.25x16. Blockley has a high quality radial equivalent 185VR16 tyre size, and we also make a cross ply 16" tyre size 600L16. Today any people fit our 5.50x16 to the front axle and the 6.00x16 to the rear. Call for advice if required, as we are Allard owners ourselves!

Blockley Products for Allard Allard K


Blockley Radial

£196.00 (£235.20 inc. VAT)

550 x 16

Blockley 5 Stud L Section Crossply

£155.00 (£186.00 inc. VAT)

600 x 16

Blockley 5 Stud L Section Crossply

£180.00 (£216.00 inc. VAT)

15/16 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)