Allard - Allard L & M Type

The Allard L type was a 2 door 4 seat open touring car built on the longer 112 inches wheel base. This was Allards first open Touring model, built from 1946, with the flat head Ford Pilot 3622 cc V8. Production carried on until 1950. The Allard M Type followed shortly after on the same chassis but with drophead coupe bodywork which found many more customers. Allard M type production carried on to 1952.

Allard L type and Allard M type tyre size was originally 6.25x16 which is a size no longer known. The choice today would be either the Blockley 6.00x16 cross ply, which is made to L section dimensions and therefore perfect for the L type, or the high quality radial equivalent size Blockley 185VR16 tyre size. See full details of both these Allard suitable tyres below:

Blockley Products for Allard Allard L & M Type


Blockley Radial

£196.00 (£235.20 inc. VAT)

600 x 16

Blockley 5 Stud L Section Crossply

£180.00 (£216.00 inc. VAT)

15/16 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)