Austin - Austin 10

The Austin Ten was the four cylinder (63.5x89) 1125 cc Austin built from 1932, producing 21bhp.  At the time it was called the Austin 10/4 and it looked like a big version of the Austin Seven Box saloon, except that it had a body with 4 doors. Later on this Austin had a open body and a van version option. This was Austins best selling car, being larger than the Austin Seven yet smaller (and less expensive) than their 12/6 model. The Austin 10/4 was also useful in the Austin range because rivals Standard and Rover also manufactured cars in the 10hp tax bracket. Price was what Herbert Austin knew was the key to sales in these post Wall Street crash times, and the 10/4 was priced at £168 with a sunroof option, which was later reduced to £155, although for an extra £20 there was the DeLuxe saloon costing an extra £20 for those who had the budget. And to encourage people to buy the new Austin 10/4, there were also two other body styles which were priced lowest of all in the 10/4 range - a tourer and the 2 seat with Dickey.

The Austin 10  tyre size was originally 4.00x19, which Blockley produces. Later Austin 10 models had the smaller diameter 18" wheels for which Blockley produces the 450/500x18 tyre. See full details of these superb quality tyres at the links below:

Blockley Products for Austin Austin 10

450/500 x 18

Blockley Triple Stud Crossply

£129.00 (£154.80 inc. VAT)

400 x 19

Blockley Triple Stud Crossply

£99.00 (£118.80 inc. VAT)

18/19 inch Rim Band (22mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£2.50 (£3.00 inc. VAT)

18/19 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)