Delage - Delage D8

The Delage D8 was introduced in 1930 and listed in 3 types  - long chassis, normal and the D8C. This was a new car with an 8 cylinder engine of just over 4 litres - 4.060 with bore and stroke 77x109mm. By 1934 a Delage D-15 was also introduced that had a smaller 2660cc capacity which made it fall into the 15CV tax bracket.

Delage D8 tyre sizes:

- The Delage D8 was listed originally with tyre size "30x6.75" which works out as 6.75x18, whereas the long chassis version of the D8 was fitted with larger 20" wheels and "32x6.75" tyres which is the equivalent of the large 20" Blockley tyre we produce. We list these tyres below. As time went on the tyre sizes listed changed.

- By 1934 the smaller capacity D8-15 was listed with 18" tyre sizes - 6.00 and 6.50x18 for the standard and long chassis versions, and 550x18 for the Sport version. Blockley produces both this 600/650x18 tyre, as well as two versions of the 5.50x18 tyre, all listed below.

- By 1935 all Delage models including the D8-100 and D8-120 were fitted with 17" wheels which continued until 1939 and the start of the war, with the Delage D8-100 and D8-120 that was listed with the 6.50x17 tyre size, which Blockley also produces. See full details of all these superb quality Blockley tyres below, all produced by a Delage owner!

Blockley Products for Delage Delage D8

550 x 18

Blockley Triple Stud Crossply

£164.00 (£196.80 inc. VAT)

650/700 x 20

Blockley Triple Stud Crossply

£339.00 (£406.80 inc. VAT)

550 x 18 A6C

Blockley A6C Crossply

£164.00 (£196.80 inc. VAT)

600/650 x 17 A6C

Blockley A6C Crossply

£240.00 (£288.00 inc. VAT)


Blockley 5 Stud Crossply

£199.00 (£238.80 inc. VAT)

18/19 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)

20/21 inch Rim Band (40mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)