Ford - Ford Mustang

The Ford Mustang was in production from 1964 as both a fixed head and a convertible sportscar, the well known fast back style coming a few months later. The 6 cylinder Mustang initially had the Ford Falcon 2.8 litre engine, the capacity of the engine later being increased to 3.3 litres. The V8 engined cars initially had a capacity of 4.3 litres (260cui), and afterwards the capacity was increased to 4.7 litres (289 cui) . For 1965 the "289" cubic inch engine came in with the option of four states of tune. Then for 1967/8 the Ford Mustag got a redesign to become an altogether larger car, made to be fitted with the Big Block Ford "390" , which was the same engine used in the Thunderbird. In addition, one could also special order a Mustang with a 7 litre "428" . These first generation Ford Mustangs were built up until 1973.

Tyre size for Ford Mustangs: 

- All 6 cylinder Ford Mustang models were fitted from new with 6.45x14 and radial equivalent 185R14, and Blockley produces this high speed rated period correct looking steel belted 185HR14 tyre size with the original H (130mph) speed rating. In addition we also make a whitewall version of this tyre size.

- Mustang V8 engined cars (302cui and 351 cui) were quoted with size E70x14 which again equates to 185R14 size, but other sources give it as the wider version 205/70R14, but either way Blockley produces both the 185HR14 and this wider version 205/70VR14 size tyre. Blockley manufacture all of these tyre sizes and all with good speed ratings (130 and 150mph), including a whitewall 185HR14 size - this whitewall size being unlike anything else available as it is a properly made product that handles beautifully. For the Classic Ford Mustangs, we would suggest you do not want anything lower than a /70 tyre sidewall as this will make the cars look silly.

- Certainly the last of the Mustangs from 1971 to 1973 (200, 250, 302 and 351cubic versions) a tyre size 205/70VR14 is the best option, whereas the Boss 351 used a larger 15" rim size with the 205/70R15 tyre size fitted, and Blockley produces the perfect high speed (150mph) rated period correct looking 205/70VR15 example. We also produce a larger 215/70VR15 size also.

- Shelby GT350 tyre size was quoted in the period brochure as having either a 6.95x14 or a 7.75x15 "high speed, low profile, nylon tyres". We have supplied many GT350's with the 205/70VR15 tyre size, while we have also supplied the larger 215/70VR15 tyre, although this may need some bodywork adjustments at the front. Confusingly when the Shelby cars were first listed in Europe they were quoted with 185R15 tyre size (same diameter as the 205/70R15 but a bit narrower), but later they were also quoted with the E70/15 tyre with is the cross ply version of the radial 205/70VR15 tyre we make. Contact us if there is any confusion! Note that Blockley tyres are not to be confused with anything produced by the likes Coker etc with their various brands, and we guarantee if our Blockley tyres are not the best tyres you've ever driven on, we will refund! Details below.

Blockley Products for Ford Ford Mustang


Blockley Radial

£155.00 (£186.00 inc. VAT)


Blockley Radial

£149.00 (£178.80 inc. VAT)

15/16 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)

13/14 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)

185HR14 White Wall

Blockley Radial

£160.00 (£192.00 inc. VAT)


Blockley Radial

£129.00 (£154.80 inc. VAT)


Blockley Radial

£174.00 (£208.80 inc. VAT)

650/700Lx15 Race Valved Tube

Blockley Race Valved Inner Tube

£39.00 (£46.80 inc. VAT)


Radial Tyre

£198.00 (£237.60 inc. VAT)