Gilbern - Gilbern GT Mk1

The first Gilbern cars were the Mk1 GT which would have either Austin A35 948cc "Sprite" or 1098cc "Climax" engines. These cars were sold virtually finished and trimmed, but to avoid the purchase tax on new cars, the owner could put in the engine, gearbox and a few other items. Showing a car at the 1961 Racing car show helped bring in orders and as time progressed the engines in the Gilbern GT Mk1 went to 1588cc MGA and for 1961 the later 1622cc MGA Mk2 engine. In 1962 this was replaced with the 1800cc  MGB engine which were produced until 1967.

The tyre sizes for the Gilbern GT Mk1 was:

- early Sprite and Climax engined cars (1959 to 1961) original tyre fitment was 5.20x13 which equates to radial tyre 145R13 size, which Blockley produces an excellent example.

- The Gilbern GTMk1 with Mk1 or Mk2 MGA engine originally had 5.90x13 which is radial tyre equivalent size 165R13, and Blockley makes this 165HR13 size.

- The Gilbern 1800GT fitted with 1800cc MGB engine had 14" wheels and tyre size 5.90x14 which is 165R14 radial tyre equivalent, and Blockley produces a superb 165HR14 tyre.

- See full details of all these tyres below:

Blockley Products for Gilbern Gilbern GT Mk1


Blockley Radial

£78.00 (£93.60 inc. VAT)

13/14 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)

155/165x13 Thickened Inner Tube

Blockley Thickened Inner Tube

£12.00 (£14.40 inc. VAT)



£83.00 (£99.60 inc. VAT)


Blockley Radial

£62.00 (£74.40 inc. VAT)