
Opel Automobile GmbH grew out of a background in sewing machine manufacturing and cycles to then build motorised vehicles, first under licence, and from 1902 motorcars to their own designs. In 1929 Opel was absorbed into the General Motors group, and by 1935 had made it's first monocoque chassis constructed car. Post war they restyled the Kapitan and by 1953 introduced the Opel Rekord which competed in the same market segment as the Ford Taunus, while still further improving the Kapitan. Just prior to 1970 Opel produced the Commodore, Admiral and Diplomat models to upgrade the brand and enter the "luxury" market, so as not to lose any potential customers thinking about buying a Mercedes! The sporty little Opel GT was built in their French factory between 1968 and 1973, which stopped only when the factory was taken over by Peugeot.