Panhard - Panhard 6DS & 6CS

The 6 cylinder Panhard Levassor models became more prevalent as the 1920's rolled on, and after 1930 virtually everything produced was a 6 cylinder model. One of the reasons for this was that Panhard could not compete on price with the plethora of 4 cylinder cars in the market. After the rationalisation of numerous models, a brand new 3.5 litre 6 cylinder Panhard Levassor 6DS was shown in 1930, in the 20cv tax bracket, known at the factory as the X66. Shortly after this the smaller capacity 2.3 litre Panhard 6CS was produced to fit into the the 13cv tax class, which sold at a much faster rate. As time went on these Panhard models became the 6DSRL and 6CSRL.

Tyre sizes for the 6 cylinder Panhard 6DS and 6CS ranged from 550x18 , 650x18 , 600x17 and 650x17. All these tyres are catered for in the Blockley Tyre Co range of tyres produced.

Blockley Products for Panhard Panhard 6DS & 6CS

550 x 18

Blockley Triple Stud Crossply

£164.00 (£196.80 inc. VAT)

550 x 18 A6C

Blockley A6C Crossply

£164.00 (£196.80 inc. VAT)

600/650 x 17 A6C

Blockley A6C Crossply

£240.00 (£288.00 inc. VAT)


Blockley 5 Stud Crossply

£199.00 (£238.80 inc. VAT)

18/19 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)