Toyota - Toyota 1600GT

The first Japanese 2 door fixed head coupe was the Toyota 1600GT introduced in 1965. Later during 1967 the engine was uprated with the Corona 1600S block which was fitted with the double overhead camshaft 2000GT cylinder head, as a less costly model option to the expensive 2000GT. This started a trend for the high performance 2 door coupe Toyotas that followed on from the Toyota 1600GT.

Tyre size for Toyota 1600GT was originally 6.15x14 which is radial equivalent 165R14. Blockley makes and excellent period correct tread steel belt construction and high speed rated 165HR14 tyre - see full details below:

Blockley Products for Toyota Toyota 1600GT


Blockley Radial

£78.00 (£93.60 inc. VAT)

13/14 inch Rim Band (45mm wide)

Blockley Rim Band

£3.50 (£4.20 inc. VAT)